Tourism Strategy
A sustainable approach
Tourism is increasingly seen as a worthwhile sector from a local government perspective and is used to balance out the decline in other economic sectors. Tourism as an economic contributor needs to be planned for to ensure that revenues are maximised but do not detract from the value and integrity of the tourism assets.
The need for a sustainable approach is increasingly recognised and pivotal. It is central to our approach in developing Tourism Strategies.
Project examples:
Strategic Tourism Master Planning, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia:
Margreet worked for Ernst & Young from 1998 until 2003. During this time her responsibilities included advising the Saudi Arabian government on organisational structure and framework for tourism organisations to be established in Saudi Arabia on national, regional and local levels in both public and private sectors; project and financial management for a project to develop tourism strategy for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, including a 20-year tourism master plan and a 5-year action plan (both in London and Riyadh).
Jeddah– Strategic Planning: Jeddah Amana
AECOM was advising the Jeddah Amana on the strategic spatial planning for Jeddah going forward to 2033. Margreet’s role within this focussed on the role tourism can play within the development of Jeddah over the next three decades.
Museum Sector Review, Morocco: Confidential Client
As part of a wider AECOM team, spread throughout multiple geographies, Margreet reviewed the museum sector in Morocco to better understand its characteristics and the potential for cooperation with between Moroccan musea and other international musea of high standing.
Tourism Led Development of a Greenfield Site, Latvia: Confidential Client
The owning company of a large greenfield site in rural Latvia wished to develop an entire new community with its own micro economy. The assessment of tourism as a driver within this process led to the conclusion that tourism might be leveraged as a secondary driver but could not be used as the primary development driver for the first phase.